Revelation University Inc. is an institution committed to its social mission. As a private institution, it funds its own activities and carries out Social Responsibility initiatives without distinction or exclusion of any kind.
Our Community Engagement Model enables us to direct our efforts toward the well-being and progress of society. Through this model, we establish the impact objectives we aim to achieve with our university work and gather the information that allows us to evaluate them. In this way, we can understand the effects and benefits of our community engagement programs, both for the internal and external community. Nevertheless, we are aware that there are still challenges to address in this field, such as diversifying the methodologies we employ to connect with the community and respond to their needs.
For this reason, in the field of social engagement, we have strengthened a social action program where various members of the university community, including faculty, students, and administrators, contribute their knowledge and capabilities in service to the citizens. An example of this is the Villalba program in Puerto Rico, which focuses on this theme.