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Associate of Arts in Theology and Biblical Studies

This area of ​​concentration is intended for people who want to begin or continue their education in the foundations of the Bible and Theology with the desire to serve or lead as ministers or pastors in the local church, in the ministries of teaching, evangelization, and discipleship. It is also recommended for students who already have a higher education degree and wish to enter into Biblical and Theological studies, to obtain general knowledge in the area.



  • To foster in others a greater sensitivity to the work of the Holy Spirit, reflected both in service in the church and in individual life.

  • To understand the sociological and psychological aspects involved in religion.

  • To focus on the effective teaching, preaching, and communication of the Holy Scriptures.

  • To apply technical knowledge to conduct research in the field of theology.


Associate programs are offered to students who want to begin effective Christian ministries, their biblical knowledge, or to those who have previous university studies and want the opportunity to obtain preparation in Theology and Bible, Pastoral Ministry or Christian Counseling, taking two academic years of studies. These require a minimum of 63 hours. The student can do an Associate program with the emphasis according to his needs in wanting to acquire knowledge, obey his call, and achieve spiritual goals. The objective of these courses is to prepare the person to serve the Lord.


  • Be of legal age.

  • Have a high school diploma as a minimum level of study.

  • Have the calling of God.

  • Complete and sign the application, return it with the required requirements including the essay requested on the form.

  • Know how to use the computer and other technological tools to conduct research, send and receive emails, etc.


Graduation Requirements
  • Complete a minimum of 63 hours of the chosen program.

  • Have studied a minimum of 15 hours of core subjects.

  • Have completed a minimum of 12 hours in Bible and Theology.

  • Have completed a minimum of 18 hours in the General Studies area.

  • Have completed a minimum of 12 hours in the area of ​​concentration of your interest.

  • Have completed 6 hours of subjects in the area of ​​Ministry.


Individuals who wish to continue their education after obtaining their Associate's degree can continue two additional years to complete their Bachelor's degree at Revelation University.


Learning Application

Upon completion of this program, the student will be qualified and ready according to his/her level to:


  • Demonstrate a general knowledge of the Bible.

  • Analyze and explain theological bases and sources of faith, in order to answer the questions of theological knowledge.

  • Be able to possess a critical vision necessary to identify different social and sociocultural problems of each religion and culture.

  • Manage various theological positions through dialogue with other disciplines in favor of the application of the values ​​of God, social peace, justice and respect for the family.

  • Apply biblical principles that can contribute to historical and sociological knowledge and studies that help understand and solve social, educational or religious problems.

  • Apply pastoral and ministerial skills to the service of the church, leading small groups of their churches and showing spiritual maturity.

Curriculum Grid


  • BIB1000 Introduction to the Bible 3

  • BIB1121 Principles of Biblical Hermeneutics 3

  • THE1031 Introduction to Theology 3

  • MIN1211 Ministerial Formation 3

  • EGN1040 Research Methods 3


Bible and Theology:

  • BIB1001 Introduction to the Old Testament 3

  • BIB1011 Introduction to the New Testament 3

  • THE2041 History of the Church I 3

  • THE2031 Hispanic Theology 3​

​Theology and Biblical Studies Concentration:

  • BIB2014 Study of the Four Gospels 3

  • THE2033 Systematic Theology I 3

  • 2 subjects from the concentration 6


Ministry Studies:

  • MIN1060 Ministerial Stewardship 3

  • MIN3234 Principles of Transformational Leadership 3


General Education:

  • EGN2012 Spanish Composition 3

  • EGN2023 Foundations of Western Civilization 3

  • EGN2234 Cultural Anthropology 3

  • EGN3046 Church Administration 3

  • 2 required subjects from General Studies 6

Total Credits 63



Educational Center

10658 SW 186th Street

Miami, FL 33157


Admin Office

10656 SW 186th Street

Miami, FL 33157

Phone Number

+1 (305)969-9448​



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