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Revelation University, Inc. es una institución educativa que se adhiere a los valores de la dignidad humana, la justicia social, el amor, el servicio al prójimo, el respeto, la libertad de pensamiento y su libre expresión, la responsabilidad, la honestidad, la solidaridad y laespiritualidad. Estos valores orientan nuestra misi ón, visión y objetivos, así como nuestras relaciones con la comunidad académica y la sociedad en general. Queremos formar profesionales íntegros, comprometidos y solidarios, que contribuyan al desarrollo humano y social de nuestro país y del mundo

Personal Growth & Ministry Support

  1. HIPAA Law (Duration: 2 hours)

  2. Mental Illness (Duration: 4 hours)

  3. Suicide (Duration: 2 hours)

  4. Thoughts and Emotions (Duration: 1 hour)

  5. Family Problems (Duration: 3 hours)

  6. Substance Abuse (Duration: 4 hours)

  7. Domestic Violence (Duration: 4 hours)


Job Growth

  1. Office automation (Duration: 4 months)

  2. Advertising Design (Duration: 6 months)

  3. Website Design (Duration: 5 months)

  4. Database Operation (Duration: 4 months)

  5. Programming Language (Duration: 3 months)

  6. Computer Assembly and Networking (Duration: 2 months)

Professional Kitchen

  1. Gastronomic Offer and Supply Management (Duration: 3 months)

  2. Pre-Preparation and Preservation of Food (Duration: 3 months)

  3. Peruvian and Creative Cuisine (Duration: 4 months)

  4. Buffet and Drink Preparation (Duration: 3 months)

  5. Pastry & Confectionery (Duration: 3 months)

  6. International Cuisine (Duration: 4 months)


Apparel Industry

For those interested in the apparel industry, we offer specialized courses in:

  1. Pattern making (Duration: 8 months)

  2. Cutting (Duration: 4 months)

  3. Sewing (Duration: 2 months)

  4. Tailoring (Duration: 3 months)

  5. Production control and haute couture (Duration: 7 months)

Customization for Organizations:

At Revelation University, we're ready to work with you to craft a customized program that fits your organization's specific needs.


Contact us to learn more about how you can start your educational journey with Revelation University!

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