C. Policies
Revelation University is not affiliated with any denomination, meaning the institution serves equally all individuals and churches who share the same biblical faith and are willing to follow the ways of Jesus Christ. Revelation University Inc. has a set of general and academic policies that govern the implementation of its Code of Conduct.
REVELATION UNIVERSITY seeks a diverse university community and admits students of any gender, race, age, color, religious creed, nationality, ethnic origin, physical, auditory, or visual disability. Discrimination against students, faculty, or staff in any of its programs or functions, including but not limited to admission, educational programs, and employment, is not tolerated.
Rights, privileges, and activities granted to students are equally provided to all admitted students, and the university is committed to promptly and effectively responding to any reports of possible discrimination as mentioned above.
Integrity Policy
The institution upholds and demonstrates attributes such as a commitment to Christian principles and values, academic freedom, intellectual freedom, freedom of expression, and respect for intellectual property rights. It promotes a climate of respect for students, faculty, and staff, has a conflict resolution policy, practices fair human resource management, provides accurate and honest public announcements, promotes accessibility and reasonable costs, and complies with all applicable federal regulations. It promptly informs of any changes in its mission, program, and operations and has clearly established standards.
Academic Records Policy
The Board of Directors of Revelation University has adopted the practice of retaining all university records confidentially for a minimum of 5 years, in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which grants students certain rights to their records. Until recently, our academic records were manually kept in physical form, but in line with one of the pillars in our strategic plan, we have transitioned to digital record-keeping.